Our Guiding Principles

At the heart of every institution are principles and guiding statements.

Mission statement

EUCON International University exists to provide quality biblical education in a Christ-honoring and Spirit-filled environment so that students may be introduced to Jesus Christ, trained in godly character and spiritual discipline, and equipped to be Christian slave-stewards in their societies and reach their homelands for Christ in order to fulfill the Great Commission making disciples of all nations for Jesus Christ.

Purpose statement

The essential purpose of EUCON International University is to teach our students to know how to live, instead of teaching them to know how to make a living. Thus, our purpose is to help our students to take on the image of Christ.

The EIU Mission Statement encapsulates the following objectives of the institution:

  1. To instruct our students in the liberal arts and specialized disciplines in accordance with the highest academic standards within the framework of Holy Scripture.
  2. To provide students from China and other Asian countries the opportunity to learn English and pursue degrees at an American institution.
  3. As a Fundamentalist institution committed to biblical principles of doctrine and practice, to inculcate Scriptural truth and counter the cults, Liberalism, the Ecumenical Movement, the Charismatic Movement, and Neo-Evangelicalism as well as other false religions and ideologies.
  4. To foster a Spirit-filled environment that will help enable students to walk in holiness as they grow in their relationship with Christ. Hence, the University seeks in all of its curricular and extra-curricular activities to train young people to think what Christ would think, say what Christ would say, and do what Christ would do.
  5. To proclaim the Gospel to non-Christian students so that they may have a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. To instill godly character and Christ-like discipline in our students so as to aid them in living victorious Christian lives and in serving effectively as Christian workers and lay-persons in non-Christian societies.
  7. To give students skills that are necessary for effectiveness in their chosen professions.
  8. The Teacher Education Program at EUCON International University is designed to equip future teachers with foundational Biblical knowledge and to aid them in the development of Christ-like character. EUCON International University strives to offer high quality teacher training and excellent Biblical education for future servants of Christ.
  9. The purpose of the Master of Arts in Theology degree is to provide a basic understanding of theological disciplines for further graduate/postgraduate studies and to strengthen the student’s understanding of Bible doctrine which will increase confidence in the Scriptures, expand student’s knowledge of God, and develop a realistic view of humanity to prepare students for ministry, particularly in an Asian context.
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